Corns are thickened areas on the skin’s surface, to the point of being irritating and sometimes painful. Commonly found on the feet, corns are circular or cone-shaped. They develop where there are areas of pressure or friction, such as on the little toe when it rubs up against shoes, or on the ball of your foot.
Corns are often confused with a callus, but there is a difference between them. Corns can be raised bumps that are painful to the touch. They consist of a rough, thick area of skin that may be dry or waxy. Corns tend to be surrounded by skin that is inflamed, and are usually much smaller than calluses.
Removing the dead skin that has built up is the key in treating corns. Salicylic acid medication is most common in accomplishing this. The acid works by dissolving keratin, which is the protein that makes up the majority of corns. You can purchase salicylic acid over-the-counter in products such as wart removers. It comes in a variety of forms such as medicated pads, drops, or creams. However, people who are diabetic should not use salicylic acid, but should instead consult their doctor immediately.
According to the product directions, applying the medication directly onto the corn will treat it. The top layer of the corn will begin to turn white after use. When that occurs, the layers of skin can then be peeled away, making the corn smaller. Shaving off corns with razors or other pedicure equipment is never a good idea. This can lead to infection. If your corn gets infected, and is not treated immediately, a visit to the doctor will be necessary.
Another way to treat corns and help prevent their return is by using orthotic inserts, fitted by a podiatrist. Inserts fit right into your shoes and adjusts the way your foot fits into your shoes. This fixes the way you walk. This will lower your chances of getting corns, and eliminate current corns by reducing rubbing from friction.
Surgery is rarely used to treat corns, but does occur on occasion. Surgery actually deals with the underlying issue that causes corns. During surgery, the bone is shaved and any abnormalities are corrected, thus reducing the amount of friction that occurs during walking.
To prevent corns, the first step is reducing friction. Always wear shoes that fit well and don’t rub your feet. Pads can be purchased if you notice rubbing developing. These pads can be purchased over-the-counter, and can be simply placed on the irritated area. Wearing cushioned insoles in your shoes can always reduce the friction, and making sure to wear well-fitting shoes. This will ensure that your foot is not being squeezed awkwardly, and prevent corns from forming in the first place.
[…] Corns, those pesky patches of hardened skin, can make walking uncomfortable and cause irritation. Whether you’re dealing with a hard corn, a soft corn, or a seed corn, there are steps you can take to alleviate the discomfort and promote healing. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore how to prevent, treat, and manage foot corns effectively. […]
[…] Foot care specialists, including podiatrists, possess the expertise and tools necessary for the foot corn and callus removal. Through specialized techniques, they can address these conditions effectively, providing relief and […]
[…] Corns are a common foot condition characterized by thickened areas of skin that develop due to repeated friction or pressure. A frequent question arises regarding whether corns have a hole in the middle. This article explores the anatomy of corns and specifically addresses the question about the presence of a hole in the middle. […]
[…] Corns are a common foot ailment that many people experience, particularly those who spend long hours on their feet or wear poorly fitting shoes. These thickened, hardened areas of skin usually develop on the toes or the soles of the feet as a result of friction and pressure. While corns may seem like a minor issue at first, they can cause significant discomfort and, in some cases, lead to serious health complications if not treated properly. One of the most common myths surrounding corns is that they can be safely shaved off at home using simple tools. However, this myth can be dangerous, leading to infections, injury, and worsening of the condition. In this article, we will explore why shaving corns at home is not advisable and what steps you should take to effectively manage this foot condition. […]
[…] Corns are thickened areas of skin that develop due to excessive pressure or friction on the feet. They often form on weight-bearing areas such as the toes, soles, and sides of the feet, causing discomfort or pain when walking. While over-the-counter treatments may provide temporary relief, professional corn removal ensures complete and safe removal, especially for those with recurring corns or underlying foot conditions. […]