Twisted an ankle playing pickleball? Strengthen and protect your feet with help from our Houston podiatrists at DeNiel Foot & Ankle Center
Pickleball has taken the U.S. by storm, captivating over 36.5 million players with a staggering 200% growth in recent years, making it America’s third most popular sport. But with this surge in popularity comes a downside: a rise in foot and ankle injuries. At DeNiel Foot & Ankle Center, our Houston podiatrists have seen more players seeking help for conditions like ankle sprains, Achilles tendonitis, and plantar fasciitis. Don’t let injuries sideline you—our experienced team shares expert tips to keep you on the court and off the treatment table.
Cold compression is a go-to for calming inflammation and easing pain.
When it comes to treating sprains and strains, the RICER method—Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation, and Referral—has long been a go-to approach. This method aims to control swelling, reduce pain, and support healing, making it especially popular among athletes and physically active individuals. But as research advances and our understanding of injury recovery deepens, the RICER method continues to reveal additional, often overlooked, benefits. Here’s a closer look at the RICER method and how it offers unique advantages in sprain recovery that go beyond the usual advice.
During winter, ankle injuries such as sprained ankle or twisted ankle are common and that means new care techniques and safety precautions. We need to decrease the risk of injury like slipping on a patch of ice by taking precautions that help our feet. Do not miss out on skiing, ice skating, snowboarding, and ice hockey activities because of the fear of a twisted ankle.
A big toe sprain is a foot injury that can happen to anyone. There are different causes of the sprained toe such as a sporting activity or stubbing of the toe. It is the torn ligaments that hinder daily activities with pain and discomfort. Ligaments connect the bones in the toe and allow the toe to move. When these ligaments are torn or damaged, the condition is known as a sprain.
Despite a sprained ankle being a common sports injury, the injury has a high recurrence rate and there is no adequate information on the decision to return to sport. Contact sports, both professional or amateur, have high rates of ankle sprain because of the ranges in speed, mobility, and direction change. The injury is predominant in older athletes during official games and the second half of a football match.
Swollen ankles in the elderly are known as lower extremity edema that often affects older adults. Foot edema is evident when the shoes become too tight or markings on the ankles from the socks. Swollen ankles are annoying and at risk of reduced mobility and skin breakdown, but what is happening inside the body? Although leg swelling is common, especially if you have been walking or standing for long, foot edema treatment is administered, if there is no known cause.