Surprisingly, flat feet may be responsible for your headaches!
Your feet are your basis of support…your foundation. When your base of support isn’t solid, it impacts your posture. Additionally, this instability may affect the ankles, knees, hips, and back. Plus. According to study, flat feet may be responsible for frequent, severe headaches. Even migraines!
Quitting smoking certainly improves health and quality of life.
We are now aware that smoking is harmful to health. However, diabetics have it far worse. In fact, smoking raises the risk of heart disease, stroke, renal disease, and erectile dysfunction. Why is diabetes and smoking a lethal combination? Both may harm the heart and the circulatory system. They may increase your blood pressure and cholesterol. Additionally, smokers have difficulty managing their blood sugar. And so, smoking increases insulin resistance.
Your likelihood of suffering another sprained ankle rises after the first one.
Would you want to hear a shocking fact I just discovered in the New York Times? In our country, ankle injuries occur to over 28,000 individuals every day. And the majority of them do it while exercising, whether it be running or other sports. This indicates that sprained ankles are the most prevalent sports injury in the United States.
Blow dryers are a fantastic tool for preventing foot fungus!
Nobody wants athlete’s foot. It’s unpleasant, irritating, and downright disgusting! Want to take precautions? There are always tried-and-true techniques that work well. And I’ll discuss them in this article.
Though it may be tempting, resist the urge to pop those blisters.
Blisters may be quite painful, despite the fact that they are a very minor foot issue. They are also quite tempting to pop — I’m amazed a Dr. Blister Popper hasn’t been created yet — but resist the temptation. as opposed to pimples, blisters are different.
Children’s feet are different from adults’ because they are still developing
Any changes in a child’s walk or movement might be frightening. You can’t help but speculate on what they will outgrow and what will need a trip to the doctor.
This is particularly true of children’s feetsince they develop and change so fast as infants go from crawling to walking and running and as toddlers transition from soft-soled shoes to the sporting gear and cleats of later childhood.