While anti-inflammatory medication, whether taken orally or through a cortisone injection, is often successful in reducing the pain of Morton’s neuroma, there are other options. Sclerosing injections are effective in decreasing neuroma as well as reducing inflammation. Dehydrated alcohol is used in these injections to achieve this. While the majority of individuals benefit from this treatment, some do not.
Because a neuroma is caused by pressure on the nerve, releasing that pressure aids in the resolution of the inflammation. The easiest approach to achieve this is to incorporate metatarsal support into a custom orthotic device. The metatarsal support spreads out the metatarsal bones, reducing or eliminating pressure on the nerve. The orthotic will almost always be used in conjunction with another treatment.
Not every therapy option is appropriate for everyone. Make an appointment with your podiatrist in Houston and they will be able to make a suitable treatment for you.