Several causes might generate a bump on top of your foot. Many people believe it is caused by a neuroma; however, this is rarely the case. If the bump is soft, it might be a bursitis or ganglion cyst, which are both soft tissue disorders brought on by pressure or trauma. A bone spur is the most common cause of a hard bump on our foot.
Arthritic changes in and around the joint cause bone spurs to form on the top of your foot in a variety of locations. Because of the pressure placed on the feet with every movement, arthritis is not uncommon. Excessive pressure around various joints might be caused by poor foot mechanics. Other times, trauma triggers the production of bone spurs.
Bone spurs can be treated in a number of different methods. The pain is sometimes caused by inflammation of the soft tissue around the spur, rather than by the spur itself. Anti-inflammatory medications or cortisone injections can help control inflammation and pain in certain circumstances. When the joint’s mobility is causing the spur to hurt, a custom orthotic can help by redistributing the excessive stress on the joint. Of course, the spur may need to be removed on occasion. In some circumstances, foot surgery to remove the spur may be necessary.