There is no medicine that can eliminate a plantar wart because it is a viral infection. Viruses are usually left to run their course. Similar to a cold, you do not treat the virus directly; rather, you treat the symptoms.
Plantar warts can be treated with a variety of over-the-counter medications. Each cure contains an active component that should help you get rid of your warts. Unfortunately, because they’re over-the-counter, they’re not always strong enough to get rid of the majority of warts. An OTC medication for warts that are still forming might be effective. Over-the-counter treatment is typically not the best option for bigger or multiple warts.
I’m sure you like having nice-looking nails. Acrylic nails are a popular choice for fingernails. Some stylists will also use them on your toenails. This may be quite inconvenient, and it has the potential to result in pain and infection.
Some people’s feet perspire more than others. We see a lot of sweaty feet in Houston because of the hot and humid weather. Sweating feet create an ideal habitat for fungus to thrive. In a warm, moist, dark shoe, fungus thrives and waits for an opportunity to infect the skin or toenails.
A bone spur may not necessarily require surgery, even if it is painful. You might be able to stop a bone spur growth from continuing if you discover it early. The spur’s development can be slowed or stopped by removing or minimizing the tension that is causing it to form. This may be accomplished by switching out your shoes or utilizing a custom orthotic.
A callus and a plantar wart are two separate things. A callus develops when the skin thickens in an area of intense pressure. The skin’s outer layer is “dead,” yet it adds to the pressure beneath the foot, causing discomfort and pain. A callus is treated with cushioning and safe removal of dead skin, which is usually done by a foot specialist in Houston.