Foot drop which is also known as drop foot is a difficulty in which an individual is unable to drop the front part of the foot. While walking, the front part of the foot may drag on the ground. It is not a disease but a neurological problem or anatomical problem. It can be both permanent and temporary. Depending on the intensity of the problem, you may have to wear a brace on your foot and ankle that shall help to hold your foot in position.

What are the causes of foot drop?
Foot drop is caused by paralysis of muscles that help in lifting the front part of the foot. There are several causes of foot drop, and some of them are mentioned below.
- Nerve injury – Foot drop is caused by compression of a nerve in leg that controls the muscles that contribute to lifting the front part of the foot. In case, the nerve gets injured during knee replacement and the like, it also results in problems like foot drop. Other than this, nerve root injury, which is also known as the pinched nerve, can be considered as foot drop causes. The nerve disorder is more common in the one with diabetes.
- Brain and spinal cord disorders – Any disorder affecting the brain or spinal cord such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis or ALS multiple strokes or like may often result in foot drop problem.
- Muscle or nerve disorders – Forms of muscular dystrophy is an inherited disease that causes muscle weakness, and it may also result in foot drop. Even order disorders like polio can also result in nerve disorders.
What are the symptoms of foot drop?
Due to foot drop, one cannot drop the front part of the foot. In such cases, he or she might have to drag the foot on the floor. For this, you have to raise your thigh when walking. Also, you may have to slap your foot down due to this neurological problem. In some cases, the top of your skin of the toe and foot may feel numb. So, depending on the cause, it will affect your foot.
How should foot drop be treated?
For foot drop treatment, you should not delay once you notice the symptoms. It is better to get the problem diagnosed at its initial stages. Also, the treatment will depend on the cause of the neurological problem. With successful and early diagnosis, it can improve or even disappear and never come back. In case, the cause of the disease can be treated, it may become a permanent problem. Some of the treatment methods include the following.
The foot drop brace is useful when you wear them on your ankle or foot. It should fit into your shoe that shall help to hold your foot in a proper position.
Some proper physical therapy can also help to get rid of the foot drop issue. You can practice exercises that help strengthen leg muscles and maintain the range of movement of the ankle and knee. This shall further help to improve gait issues that are related to foot drop.
The foot drop nerve stimulation is important as it helps lift your foot and improves the problem of foot drop.
If you have any questions about foot drop, please feel free to contact our office located in Cypress, TX. DeNiel Foot and Ankle Center offers the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.