Ingrown toenails, a common nuisance that demands attention.
Infected ingrown toenails, a common foot ailment, can quickly escalate from discomfort to debilitating pain if left untreated. This condition occurs when the edge of the toenail grows into the surrounding skin, leading to inflammation, infection, and excruciating discomfort. However, with proper understanding and timely intervention, individuals suffering from this condition can find relief and restore their foot health. In this article, we delve into the causes, symptoms, treatment options, and preventive measures for infected ingrown toenails.
A skilled podiatrist can perform a painless and permanent removal of ingrown toenails using specialized techniques.
Dealing with an ingrown toenailis not only painful but can also be a tricky task if not handled correctly. Many people attempt to trim ingrown nails at home, but when done improperly, it can lead to more pain and complications. In such cases, it’s essential to seek professional help from a podiatrist, who can provide a painless and permanent solution. In this article, we will explore what can happen when you cut your ingrown toenail wrong and how a podiatrist can help.
Nowadays, almost every patient I see has a medical degree that Google awarded them. And, I’ll admit it, sometimes those late-night, fear-driven searches for symptoms lead to accurate, useful medical information. But other times, they don’t. If that happens, you either wind up believing you are about to die or trying home remedies for an illness you don’t truly have.
A pedicure services are good for you and there are several clients waiting for the needed foot services. However, a nail technician is not Ingrown Toenail Specialist and many clients are dealing with ingrown toenails which is a common issue. Ingrown Toenail Treatment is not a package offered at the nail spa but the nail professionals can help prevent ingrown toenails with proper grooming techniques. But a podiatrist will offer a safe and Pain-Free Ingrown Toenail Removal.
That pain at the end edge of your toenail is uncomfortable and disturbing. An ingrown toenail is when the nail grows into the skin causing pain and irritation to the skin. When the skin is broken, it poses risk to allow bacteria that can cause infections making the ingrown toenail more painful; see a doctor for ingrown toenail immediately. If you notice that you have painful, red, swollen, and hot toenails, it might be infected. Though one question sticks with you, why do you have ingrown toenails?
Ingrown toenail is a common medical condition whereby the side or the corner of a toenail grows in the soft flesh. It leads to redness, pain, and swelling and the resultant infection makes ingrown toenail removal a necessity. It is commonly seen in the big toes. Though you can try home remedies for the toenails, it is better to go to a foot doctorto relieve the discomfort and prevent further complications.
Ingrown toenails can occur in both women and men. This condition is highly common in people whose feet sweats a lot, such as the teenagers. Even the elderly is at a higher risk because the toenails tend to thicken with age. There are multiple reasons why you might develop an ingrown toenail, such as:
Incorrectly cutting the toenails can lead to ingrowth. The toenails have to be cut straight because angling the sides of your nails can make them grow into the skin directly.
Curved or irregular toenails
Footwear that creates a lot of pressure on the big toes, like stocking and socks which are really tight, can cause ingrown toenails. Even shoes those are too narrow, tight, or flat for the feet.
Toenail injury might be the cause, including dropping a heavy object on the foot, stubbing the toe somewhere, or repeatedly kicking a football
Wrong posture
Not maintaining proper hygiene for your feet, like not keeping the feet dry or clean
Genetic causes
Diabetes or other such conditions that leads to loss of proper blood flow to the feet.
The athletic activities that require frequent usage of feet can make you prone to the condition of ingrown toenails. In the activities where you put constant pressure on the feet or kick any object for a long period of time, there is a high risk of your toenail getting damaged and the consequent development of the condition that needs ingrown toenail removal. Some of the sports that generally lead to the condition are:
Symptoms of ingrown toenails
Ingrown toenails are not just painful, but the condition also worsens progressively. The earliest symptoms of the condition are:
The skin right beside the nail becomes swollen, tender, and hard
A nagging pain when there is any pressure on that toe
Fluid accumulation around the infected toe.
If your toe has already become infected, then following are the symptoms you will notice:
Continuous pain
The skin around the nail becoming swollen and red
Bleeding or pus oozing out from the corner of the nail
Overgrown skin around the toenails
You need ingrown toenail removalas soon as you can in order to avoid any worsening of the symptoms.
For any questions that you have, get in touch with us at our office in Houston, TX. We have the latest treatment technologies and tools to cure all your foot and ankle conditions. Do not wait for the symptoms to worsen and contact your nearest podiatrists in Houston without further delay.