A bone spur is unlikely to disappear on its own once it has formed. However, this does not imply that you have to put up with the discomfort. That is because the Houston foot doctor can provide pain relief without having to undergo bone spur surgery. Let’s take a deeper look at how everything works.
What Is A Bone Spur
A bony protrusion that develops on another bone is known as a bone spur. Bone spurs are most commonly found in places of strain, pressure, or trauma. As a result, they might appear in a variety of places on your foot; most commonly on the heel, the top of the foot, or the toes.
Bone spurs aren’t a medical concern on their own. In fact, they are frequently asymptomatic. However, because they alter the profile of your foot, they may make it more difficult to wear shoes, or cause painful inflammation at and around the site of the bone spur.
Non-Surgical Bone Spur Treatments
There are a variety of treatment methods for painful bone spurs. But keep in mind that non-surgical remedies will only help alleviate your pain; they’re not going to be able to get rid of your bony bulge.
Treating painful bone spurs usually begin with conservative treatment. Advil and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) can aid with discomfort. To avoid painful rubbing on your bone spur, you can also consider changing your shoes. If this does not help, cushioning your shoes or bone spur may also be beneficial. Custom orthotics can also help in relieving the pressure that causes bone spurs to form.
Non-Surgical Treatment Will Not Remove Bone Spurs
Even if these options reduce your bone spur discomfort, there’s no guarantee that the bone spur will go away. You can probably still see the bump on your foot if you look closely. So, what’s making you feel better?
Non-surgical procedures most likely eased the spur’s pressure and strain. And the relief helped to keep the inflammation around your spur under control.
Your body might, of course, resorb your spur on its own. However, that is unlikely to happen. Because without surgery, we can only control the pressure and tension hitting your bone spur. We won’t be able to entirely stop it.
As a result, if you wish to get rid of bone spurs, you’ll have to consider more invasive procedures, since the only method to entirely remove a spur is through surgery.
Bone Spur Surgery
The majority of people with bone spurs report that they feel better without surgery. However, if your pain lasts for a year or your bone spurs are linked to plantar fasciitis, you may want to consider surgery.

What Is The Procedure For Removing A Bone Spur
Before a bone spur surgery, your doctor would take X-rays or other tests to determine the degree of your excessive bone growth. If you are a surgical candidate, your doctor will devise a treatment plan for you.
The purpose of the surgery is to remove the excess bone. However, it may also help to relieve tension in your plantar fascia, especially if your heel pain was caused by bone spurs.
After surgery, the most crucial portion of your treatment will begin. Because even if we remove your bone spur, it may return until the underlying condition is addressed.
Treatment Of The Conditions That Cause Bone Spurs
The treatment strategy will be determined on the cause of your bone spurs. There isn’t much to do if the problem is arthritis. However, if pressure or poor mechanics are the issue, these can be addressed immediately following surgery. Because if not, those bone spurs will return sooner than you think!
Fitting you for custom orthotics is one of the most effective ways to relieve pressure on your feet. These medical devices offer support to your feet and are designed to match your body’s needs. As a result, they relieve pressure on overused areas and eliminate the need for your body to compensate, hence, no additional bone spurs will form as a protective response.
Of course, each patient is unique. This is why each individual requires a customized bone spur treatment approach tailored to his or her specific needs and lifestyle.
Are you concerned that you might have a bone spur in your foot? Don’t wait until you’re in pain to act! Rather than that, have it examined immediately by Dr. Ejodamen Shobowale at DeNiel Foot and Ankle Center. We’ll have more treatment choices available if you come in before it starts hurting!
[…] Is It Possible To Get Rid Of A Bone Spur Without Surgery? […]
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