With the onset of winter months, diabetes patients should take special care of their feet. It is known that diabetes patients are prone to poor blood circulation along with some nerve problems. They should take decision depending on the changes they notice. Without delay, it is better to consult a doctor to get a suitable treatment and maintaining your feet during the winter days. Read the following part to know better about how patients should maintain foot health during winter days.

Keeping dry feet
Rain or snow can make your feet damp. The moisture collected from socks, toes and feet can result in bacteria that further leads to infection. Therefore, patients suffering from diabetes should frequently change their socks and rub feet with dry towel to prevent the infection problem. Also, they should pay attention to the place in between the toes.
Maintaining moisturized feet
If you are keeping shoes dry to prevent bacteria formation, keeping your feet dry is also important. By moisturizing your feet, your feet will remain smooth. This shall reduce the risk of cracking that further results into wound. In this case, you can take suggestion from your doctor to get the right foot lotion that shall help to keep it moisturized. It is recommended to use it after bathing to prevent feet dryness.
Avoid direct heat contact to your feet
To reduce the problem of dryness of your feet and chance of feet burning, turn to keep it away from direct heat exposure. As diabetes can cause nerve damage in your feet, it may not be possible to keep your feet warm during winter months. Also, direct hot water on should not be used on diabetic feet. Instead, they should check the temperature of water before using it. Also, they should prevent use of warm items such as electric blankets, heating pads, heated shoe inserts and the like.
Choosing the right shoes
Though choosing the right winter shoe may seem to be a daunting task. But with diabetes choosing the perfect pair shall help keep your feet in good condition. The wrong shoe can make your feet even worse making it too dry during the cold weather.
Opt for periodic foot checkup from surgeon
By going through periodic check from foot and ankle surgeon, it will be easy to prevent foot issues. A regular checkup from foot and ankle surgeon shall help to prevent the chances of foot issues. Therefore, with suitable foot care from a diabetic foot doctor, diabetes patients can reduce the chances of different foot problems. With regular visits, you can keep an eye on any changes that you notice in your feet. Thus, with the suitable treatment, the doctor can help to keep your feet in good condition even during cold weather.
Wrapping it up
Meeting a foot and ankle surgeon shall be of immense help for diabetes patients to keep your feet safe. Inside of remaining inside your home all winter, it is better to consult your doctor in advance for the right guidance.