After your neuroma surgery, you should wear a postoperative shoe. A surgical dressing is done to your foot after Morton’s neuroma surgery. The surgical shoe is required because of the size of the dressing. The shoe is open to allow for easy and comfortable dressing. It also relieves pressure on the incision site and allows room for any edema that may arise.
The surgical shoe’s sole is also rigid. It limits your foot’s motion when walking, allowing your soft tissue and skin to recover properly and fast. In most circumstances, you should anticipate wearing a postoperative shoe for three weeks following surgery.
A surgical shoe is only required for a short time. If you wear the shoe consistently, your recovery after neuroma surgery will be speedier. The shoe should not influence your surgical selection. Look past the shoe’s aesthetics and focus on the prize: wearing your beloved shoes without pain. Contact Houston podiatrist Dr. Ejodamen Shobowale to learn more about treating your neuroma with conservative and surgical treatments.