A corticosteroid injection is the most usual treatment for Morton’s neuroma. However, cortisone eliminates the painful inflammation, not the neuroma itself. Other injections are available that target the real neuroma.
Absolute alcohol injections are frequently successful to shrink the neuroma itself. Sclerosing injection therapy is the name for this procedure. The series is normally seven weeks long, with one injection given each week. While no treatment is 100% effective for everyone, when these injections work, they can avoid surgery.
A sclerosing injection works differently than a corticosteroid injection, which delivers pain relief almost immediately. Some people experience a rise in discomfort from the neuroma after the initial numbness of the anesthesia wears off, followed by pain alleviation.
If you’ve tried alternative treatments for Morton’s neuroma without success, schedule an appointment with your Houston foot and ankle podiatrist at DeNiel Foot & Ankle Center for a thorough examination. We will provide you with a comprehensive treatment plan to help you walk pain-free.