Toenail fungus is not caused by nail polish on its own. That isn’t to imply it doesn’t have a role in the condition. Fungus is an opportunist that takes advantage of broken toenails to infect them. Toenails can be damaged by nail polish.
The majority of nail polishes contain harmful compounds including formaldehyde and toluene. Acetone is found in nail polish remover. All of these things harm toenails and create the white streaks that many women complain about after they remove their polish. The toenails become weaker as a result of this, making them more prone to fungal infection.
There are safer alternatives to toxic nail polish. At DeNiel Foot and Ankle Center, we understand that telling women not to apply nail paint is unrealistic. We offer Dr.’s Remedy Enriched Nail Polish, which is free of dangerous chemicals and is enriched with vitamins and natural antifungals to nourish the nails. Everyone who has tried it is pleased with how their nails have improved. You can choose your favorite color at our Houston podiatry office.