Don’t let pins and needles in your heel slow you down—get back on your feet with our expert care in Houston!
Do you ever experience a sensation of pins and needles in your heel? It’s a common complaint that can range from a temporary inconvenience to a persistent discomfort affecting your daily activities. As podiatrists, we understand the significance of addressing such symptoms promptly to ensure optimal foot health and overall well-being.
Socks with non-constricting bands promote healthy circulation by allowing blood flow without restriction.
For many individuals, poor circulation is more than just a health concern—it’s a daily reality that can impact overall well-being. While lifestyle changes and medical interventions are crucial in managing circulation issues, one often overlooked factor is the choice of socks. Conventional socks with tight elastic bands can exacerbate poor circulation, leading to discomfort and potentially worsening existing conditions. In this article, we explore the critical connection between socks and circulation, and how innovative designs are changing the game for those seeking relief.
Wearing stilettos for extended periods of time can cause tingling heels.
If you’ve found that tingling heels is a frequent problem, I’m sure you’ll want to know why. Now, this unpleasant sensation may be brought on by a variety of conditions or lifestyle choices. So, you’ll have to come into my Houston podiatry office to get a correct diagnosis. But in the meantime, we can try to figure out what’s wrong by looking at the main causes of tingling heels.
Coffee increases insulin resistance in people with diabetes.
Anyone who has diabetes is aware of the significance of changing your diet. That entails eliminating unhealthy meals and introducing better options. Do you want to learn one surprising food that people with diabetes should avoid? It’s coffee! This is why.
If you put off seeing your podiatrist for too long, you can be left with this foot problem!
It’s Halloween, which means it’s time for ghosts, goblins, zombies, and other creatures that go bump in the night…
But what if this Halloween, it’s your feet that seem particularly spooky? There are a ton of foot problems that may alter how your feet and toes look, but here’s the thing: many of these problems go beyond aesthetics. Because of this, we strongly advise you to visit our Houston podiatry clinicto get those scary creepers examined so you may still participate in trick-or-treating the next Halloween.
Quitting smoking certainly improves health and quality of life.
We are now aware that smoking is harmful to health. However, diabetics have it far worse. In fact, smoking raises the risk of heart disease, stroke, renal disease, and erectile dysfunction. Why is diabetes and smoking a lethal combination? Both may harm the heart and the circulatory system. They may increase your blood pressure and cholesterol. Additionally, smokers have difficulty managing their blood sugar. And so, smoking increases insulin resistance.