If you’re really into working out, you probably include stretching into your routine. Before and after a run, even a little hamstring stretch may help to reduce the risk of injury. Fortunately, most people agree with me on this.
That’s great news for your calves and hamstrings. But here’s where I get stuck when my patients tell me about stretching: your lower limbs. Or, to be more specific, when I start talking about toe stretching benefits, I get strange glances.
Have you ever experienced foot pain after driving long distance? Do you ever experience foot numbness after a prolonged period of driving? It turns out that this is more than just a hassle. And you’re not the only one who is suffering.
Your feet are your basis of support…your foundation. When your base of support isn’t solid, it impacts your posture. Additionally, this instability may affect the ankles, knees, hips, and back. Plus. According to study, flat feet may be responsible for frequent, severe headaches. Even migraines!
As a mom of two, I know how pricey shoes can be. Every time you turn around, it seems that one of the children’s shoes has either become too tiny or worn-out. It implies that you must spend money on yet another pair. So, I know how tempting it can be to try to squeeze feet into shoes that still sort of fit. Or to buy shoes that provide kids’ feet “room to grow,” i.e. shoes that are one or two sizes bigger than your child’s current size.
Certain aches and pains are common throughout pregnancy, particularly if you have to endure the hot, humid summer in Houston. So, yes, you’re probably going to feel some pain.
We are all aware of how often runners get injured. There are a few useful strategies to lessen the discomfort associated with this activity. This includes studies that support the idea that keeping to a program might keep you running more comfortably. And even research that suggests one unconventional strategy that may reduce your chance of running injuries by up to 39%!