If your feet hurt when driving, you may have a condition known as driver’s foot.
Have you ever experienced foot pain after driving long distance? Do you ever experience foot numbness after a prolonged period of driving? It turns out that this is more than just a hassle. And you’re not the only one who is suffering.
Certain aches and pains are common throughout pregnancy, particularly if you have to endure the hot, humid summer in Houston. So, yes, you’re probably going to feel some pain.
Running is still doable despite plantar fasciitis. Pushing through the pain to record miles is something that most runners have experienced. But is it wise to run when experiencing heel pain?
Running enthusiasts should cross-train. It may help you avoid injuries by strengthening the muscles that sustain your runs. Moreover, it may also assist you in training while you recover if you do get a running injury.
Unfortunately, physical activity may bring on acute injuries as well as chronic pain. This is especially true because I’ve seen exercise have a negative impact on my body over the years. I’ve dealt with heel pain and a variety of other issues that bring people into my clinic on a regular basis. And it seems that we are not the only ones who are affected by this.
In preparation for Houston’s long, hot summer, many of us have put away our sweaters, long trousers, and coats. While adjusting your clothes for the season, why not give your feet a rest as well? Your feet may thank you for ditching your high-heels over the next few months.