Treatments to get rid of fungus toenails are usually safe and keep getting safer. Oral antifungal medicine is the treatment that many people are worried about. When these treatments, such as Lamisil, were initially introduced, there was worry about how they might affect the liver, as earlier generations of oral antifungal medications were harsh on the liver, and these newer medications are also metabolized by the liver.
It has already been more than 20 years since oral drugs have been accessible, allowing us to be confident in the safety of these treatments. A generic version of Lamisil is the medicine we use the most in our Houston podiatry practice. It has its safety profile consistently enhanced, with no “black box” warnings, few side effects, and no interactions with other medicines. Prior to initiating treatment with an oral antifungal medication, we perform a basic blood test to ensure that the liver is not harmed by medication, sickness, or any other factor. It is, nevertheless, a relatively safe drug that is administered for individuals ranging in age from late teens to the elderly.
Consider utilizing a topical drug alone if oral medication is still too risky for you or you aren’t a candidate for it. Tolcylen is the most effective topical, and it is available at our office for your convenience. It penetrates the toenail to cure the fungus, but it has no impact on the rest of the body.
Regardless of how fungal toenails are treated, it is critical to begin treatment as soon as possible to prevent the infection from spreading. To find out which treatment is best for you, contact Dr. Ejodamen Shobowale of DeNiel Foot and Ankle Center.