Your big toe carries roughly half of your weight each time you take a step. And any pain in your big toe might make it difficult to move about or to even get a decent night’s sleep.
There might be several causes for the discomfort in your big toe. Here are some typical reasons why it may be bothering you, as well as remedies that may help ease the discomfort.
The Wrong Shoes
If you often wear high heels, your feet may get sore. If the tips of those shoes are pointed, you will also feel it in your big toe. Even if you don’t wear stilettos, improper shoes may cause foot pain. Old shoes may cause toe discomfort if your shoe size has changed and you are unaware of it. This is particularly true if you’re pregnant, since your feet tend to become bigger. So, what do you do first to figure out why your big toe hurts? See if your shoes fit well.
One of the classic signs of gout is sharp, sudden pain in the big toe joint that occurs when you least expect it — sometimes even in the middle of the night. Pain and hypersensitivity may be so severe that simply laying a sheet over your toe might be painful.
Uric acid crystal formation in gout
While it is a kind of arthritis, gout is also a metabolic disorder caused by the body’s inability to adequately eliminate uric acid from the bloodstream. When uric acid levels get too high, sharp crystals may develop in the tissues around a joint, causing discomfort.
If you are prone to gout attacks, avoid purine-rich foods and drinks such as red and organ meats, shellfish, alcoholic drinks, and so on. Purines are broken down into uric acid during digestion and may cause gout occurrences. Make sure to drink plenty of water as well.
Bunions aren’t only painful for your big toe. They literally displace the whole toe, causing a large lump to grow on the inside of the foot and the toe to drift toward the other toes.
A bunion is a deformity that will only get worse over time. The toe drifts farther out of position, the hump grows in size, the joint stiffens, and walking becomes more painful and difficult.
Because it takes time to grow, many individuals overlook their bunion until it becomes severe and painful. Early treatment may delay bunion progression and reduce discomfort. This may let you enjoy your favorite hobbies for longer while also delaying the need for surgery.
Gout may be a huge pain in the toe, as we’ve previously described. Now we must consider different types of arthritis, particularly osteoarthritis. Your foot is particularly vulnerable to this problem since it has so many joints, and it is most often seen around the base of your big toe.
Symptoms of osteoarthritis include inflammation, stiffness, and discomfort, particularly while pushing off the ground. Osteoarthritis, unlike gout symptoms, generally develops gradually. Unfortunately, osteoarthritis has no known treatment. However, we can alleviate your pain and manage your discomfort. Heat, ice, and, in the majority of cases, over-the-counter drugs are really beneficial.
Again, we find some familiar signs such as swelling, pain, and redness – the same things that you observe with other causes of big toe discomfort. However, there are some notable differences. If you have an ingrown toenail, the symptoms will most likely be concentrated in and around your nail bed. In addition, since your nail might puncture your skin as it digs in, infection in the area is also a possibility. So, if you have an ingrown toenail, you are more likely to get pus.
Ingrown toenail
You might be prone to ingrown toenails, particularly if you’ve had previous injuries to the area. This may be avoided with careful nail clipping. If you do get an ingrown toenail, take note that bathroom surgery will only make you more susceptible to infection. So, if your nail is digging into your skin, visit the Houston podiatry office. The foot doctor can numb and disinfect the area around your toenail, then, with a short and painless operation, she will fix the issue.
Turf Toe
Pain on the bottom of your big toe is one of the signs of this sports-related foot injury. It also causes inflammation and tenderness. It is caused by strain and is common among football and soccer players. Typically, it’s the result of hyperextending your toe past its intended range of motion. Rest, ice, and anti-inflammatories are usually the best treatments for this issue. We may also discuss appropriate footwear and preventive training methods.
Behind the big toe are two tiny bones that assist the mobility of the big toe. These bones get inflamed when you balance on your toes, such as the case when you’re wearing high heels, and cause discomfort. Altering your footwear might help you find pain relief. Other lifestyle adjustments, as well as temporary anti-inflammatory treatments, might be considered.
There are several potential causes of big toe discomfort. And despite the fact that their symptoms are similar to one another, the underlying causes of each condition as well as the remedies for them are completely different. Why put yourself through the hassle of guessing and delaying or preventing a simple solution? Make an appointment with the foot doctor at DeNiel Foot and Ankle Center. You’ll be able to acquire the diagnosis and treatment plan you need, and your big toe will be pain-free for a long time.
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[…] Abnormal foot anatomy refers to structural variations or deformities in the feet that deviate from the typical or expected foot structure. The variations can be present at birth or develop later in life and range from mild to severe. Abnormal foot anatomy can lead to functional problems, discomfort, and an increased risk of foot-related issues. […]
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